Thursday 2 February 2012

Tutorial 9: Swot Analysis

- Making use of kinetic energy to generate electricity.
- Charging on-the-go will provide convenience and save the house bills
- Too costly for a bicycle.
- No protection from bad whether
- Development of new eco-friendly technology.
- We are the first to come out with this kind of bicycle that will generate electricity
- Other companies might come up with a better technology than us.
- Requires to raise a large amount of capital.
Our strategic goals:
1) Greater investment in Research and Development to reduce the cost of production
2) To come out with more eco-friendly, earth-saving and and more environmentally friendly products in the future
For today's tutorial, i learnt about the importance of swot analysis in a project. It is a powerful tool for strategic planning and it is a useful guide to assess the industry and develop strategies to remain competitive. By analysing the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats of the project, it helps us to focus on our strengths, minimise threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available.
I feel that swot analysis is essential in all projects as it helps to enhance strategic plans and objectives and it would be recommended for those people that have a new business so that they can understand the postition of themselves and understand their compeitiors

Report for Project Management