Thursday 24 November 2011

Tutorial 4: AON Table & Chart

In our AON chart, we have decided that our project would be completed earliest by 34 weeks and latest by 36 weeks. There will be additional float of 2 weeks.

From this tutorial, i realised the importance of the use of AON table & chart as it allows us to plan our schedule well and keep us on track with the project.  This is because if it happens that the completion time of the project is delayed, there will be consequences such as compensation. Furthermore, additional weeks on the float can help to prepare for any unfortunate encounters and gives us more time to tackle this problems. In overall, i feel that Activity-On-Node is essential for planning.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Tutorial 3: Work breakdown Structure

I learnt the importance of the work breakdown structure in project planning as it will help to increase the possibilities of delivering a successful project and it is a very valuable instrument to set the scope and to use when communicating internal as well as external. From a project manager perspective, the work breakdown structure is one of the most important tools to provide the team with a clear vision about the work needed to complete the project.

The key idea of WBS is to simplify the task and help us understand our individual roles in the project. It is effective in a way as the tasks can be assigned according to each member's strengths and capabilities.

Tutorial 2: Scope of Project

1. Estimated Duration

The estimated duration of the project to be complete would take 9 months following the schedule below.

1st month- Brainstorm idea and come out with a design
2nd month- Research on current technology
3rd & 4th month- Gather materials
5th,6th and 7th month- Implementation of product
8th month- Product Trial Testing
9th month- Feedback and Troubleshooting

2. Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of the project would cost around $200,000.

3. Responsibility Matrix

Planning Team-  To plan the whole structure of the project and how it should be executed.
Research Team- To research on the current technology and the cost needed for the kinetic powered bicycle.
Engineering Team- To focus on designing the bicycle and then implement on it.
Marketing Team- To focus on marketing the bicycle to the consumers.

4. Current Issues

The weight, design, materials and most importantly cost has to be taken into consideration.

5. Man Power Requirements

2 members in the planning team,5 members in the research team, 5 members in the engineering team,3 members in the marketing team.

6. Resources Requirements

The resources required for this project would be a bicycle, kinetic power generator and docking station.


From the lecture, i learnt the importance of the project life cycle and the 5 processes Define->Plan->Organise->Execute->Close.
In my opinion, planning is always important before doing anything. If there were no clear goals set, the team would not have a clear sense of direction on the project and it will lead to communication breakdown between the team members.Planning allows us to set our objectives and work better towards our goals. Although mistakes cannot be entirely obviated, they can certainly be reduced through proper planning. "Good plans shape good decisions.That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true."

Saturday 5 November 2011

Tutorial 1:Sketching of finalised idea

After further implementation and discussion over the kinetic powered bicycle in last week lesson, my group settled down and drew a few sketches on how the bicycle would look like.

I'm a true believer in sketching and conceptualizing before a project. Initial sketches are important to get the content and form down before you spend countless hours perfecting the piece. I feel that sketching is a staple in the creative process and is a good way to experiment with ideas on your own terms.

Lesson 2: Sharing and further development of idea

From a recap of last week's brainstorming, my group's idea is to create a kinetic powered bicycle. We wrote down the features of the bicycle and also did a rough sketch of the bicycle although it did not turn out well in the end.

After that, we were asked to share our idea to the other groups and seek understanding from the other groups and hopefully further implement on our idea.There were many different feedbacks from the other groups such as the weight consideration of the bicycle, how will the docking unit and power source be implemented on the bicycle?, whether the power source is detachable?

After the feedback from the other groups, we manage to finalise and further implement on our idea.
How does it work?

A kinetic turbine is connected to the gears of the pedal and as the user cycles, electricity is generated on a detachable generator as the turbine turns. This electricity generated from the turbine would enable the user to charge his iphone or ipod as he cycles.

Features of kinetic powered bicycle
  • Docking Unit to charge iphone and ipod.
  • Saves electricity through the use of kinetic energy to electrical energy.
  • Able to detach generator for home uses and etc.
After today's lesson, I realised that engaging other people in idea discussions can help further develop and modify the idea as flaws would be discovered throughout the discussion rather than engaging alone which would be futile. 

Friday 4 November 2011

Lesson 1: Ideation

Ideation is the creative process of generating,developing and communicating new ideas. The ideas can be out of the box where it could be crazy and out of the world. It is a thought cycle which consist of innovation to development to actualization.

For this module Project Management, the theme is based on environment. We were given post stick paper and wrote down the ideas my group had brainstormed together. After some time, we concluded on the idea of creating a kinetic powered bicycle.

After today's lesson, i came to realise the importance of ideation as it makes us think deeply into our brain and putting ideas quickly on paper is the only way to evaluate them to see if they are worth exploring further. Writing down ideas and brainstorming together as a group helps to maximise efficiency to achieve our desired goals."Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes."