Thursday 17 November 2011

Tutorial 2: Scope of Project

1. Estimated Duration

The estimated duration of the project to be complete would take 9 months following the schedule below.

1st month- Brainstorm idea and come out with a design
2nd month- Research on current technology
3rd & 4th month- Gather materials
5th,6th and 7th month- Implementation of product
8th month- Product Trial Testing
9th month- Feedback and Troubleshooting

2. Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of the project would cost around $200,000.

3. Responsibility Matrix

Planning Team-  To plan the whole structure of the project and how it should be executed.
Research Team- To research on the current technology and the cost needed for the kinetic powered bicycle.
Engineering Team- To focus on designing the bicycle and then implement on it.
Marketing Team- To focus on marketing the bicycle to the consumers.

4. Current Issues

The weight, design, materials and most importantly cost has to be taken into consideration.

5. Man Power Requirements

2 members in the planning team,5 members in the research team, 5 members in the engineering team,3 members in the marketing team.

6. Resources Requirements

The resources required for this project would be a bicycle, kinetic power generator and docking station.


From the lecture, i learnt the importance of the project life cycle and the 5 processes Define->Plan->Organise->Execute->Close.
In my opinion, planning is always important before doing anything. If there were no clear goals set, the team would not have a clear sense of direction on the project and it will lead to communication breakdown between the team members.Planning allows us to set our objectives and work better towards our goals. Although mistakes cannot be entirely obviated, they can certainly be reduced through proper planning. "Good plans shape good decisions.That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true."

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