Friday 4 November 2011

Lesson 1: Ideation

Ideation is the creative process of generating,developing and communicating new ideas. The ideas can be out of the box where it could be crazy and out of the world. It is a thought cycle which consist of innovation to development to actualization.

For this module Project Management, the theme is based on environment. We were given post stick paper and wrote down the ideas my group had brainstormed together. After some time, we concluded on the idea of creating a kinetic powered bicycle.

After today's lesson, i came to realise the importance of ideation as it makes us think deeply into our brain and putting ideas quickly on paper is the only way to evaluate them to see if they are worth exploring further. Writing down ideas and brainstorming together as a group helps to maximise efficiency to achieve our desired goals."Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes."

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